Kuraray ranked one of Germany’s best companies for vocational training
Instructors and apprentices at Kuraray Europe have reason to be pleased: for the third year in succession the company has been singled out by the German institute for management and economic research IMWF, the news magazine Focus Money and the market research company Deutschland Test as one of the country’s top companies for vocational training. Hard-working and motivated apprentices, committed instructors and a sustained vocational training concept focused on the needs of apprentices do not simply result in top scores in this ranking: once again, an apprentice chemical production technician from Kuraray was among the top-performing apprentices this year.
Susan Kolac-Lang, head of vocational training at Kuraray Europe, is delighted by Kuraray’s excellent results:
This is the third time Focus Money has ranked Kuraray as one of Germany’s top companies for vocational training. That shows that we consistently offer apprentices very good prospects as they enter the world of work.
Susan Kolac-Lang, head of vocational training at Kuraray Europe
IMWF conducts an annual survey of the training performance of Germany’s 20,000 biggest employers in 90 sectors, including the chemical industry, on behalf of the news magazine Focus Money and the market research company Deutschland Test. The ranking is based on factors such how successful apprentices are in their training courses and the remuneration and additional benefits they receive.
All-round training to prepare young people for work
“Germany’s top companies for vocational training include 27 in the chemical sector,” reports Karl-Heinz Michel, head of Human Resources at Kuraray Europe GmbH. “We are ranked 15th, which is a very good position, ahead of many big names in our sector. That is due to a large extent to the staff who support our young people as instructors and buddies — and, of course, to the hard work of our apprentices.” At its three locations in Germany, speciality chemicals producer Kuraray trains young people as chemical production technicians, process mechanics, industrial mechanics, plant electronics technicians, chemical laboratory technicians and industrial administrators.
Kuraray uses an all-round training concept
“We do not simply want to make sure our apprentices are fit for work by giving them the necessary knowledge and experience; we also aim to support their personal development,” says Susan Kolac-Lang. Alongside instructors and external training partners, apprentices at Kuraray are supported by buddies who they can turn to with questions, concerns and suggestions. Every shift has two or three of these volunteers.
Kuraray apprentice among the top chemical production technicians
That is a recipe for success:
Many of our apprentices are so highly motivated that they complete their training faster than prescribed, often with very good results. Once again this year, at least one of our newly qualified chemical production technicians will be invited to the celebration held by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce to honour the top achievers. He has completed his training in just two-and-a half years, with an excellent mark of 96 percent – we are very proud of him.
Susan Kolac-Lang, head of vocational training at Kuraray Europe

For further information on vocational training at Kuraray visit Kuraray’s website www.kuraray.eu/karrierre or the training platform www.azubiyo.de. As well as up-to-date information on vacancies for apprentices, you will find profiles of apprentices at Kuraray, background articles and a self-test to help you find out which course best fits your aptitudes.