Working together to help others

A big effort is no longer required to find volunteers for the Malteser Social Day. For the eighth consecutive year, many KEG staff were willing to roll up their sleeves and demonstrate the importance of community work for people in the Kuraray Group. This year, staff from Hattersheim took on a project to facilitate outdoor lessons at the Hostato school.In Troisdorf, the “Heidepänz” and “Burgpänz” childcare facilities benefited from the hard work of Trosifol staff.

Healthier crops and better harvests

The vitality of the soil, temperature and rain have an enormous influence on yields of cereal crops, fruit and vegetables. The KURARAY POVAL™ brand of polyvinyl alcohols (PVOH) helps reduce dependence on these external influences. The polymers are used as seed coatings, soil conditioners, and binders and additives for fertilisers and agrochemicals. They enhance plant growth, improve yields and help reduce the amount of agrochemicals used – before sowing and right up to harvesting.

Sustainable, capable, unique

Kuraray is constantly setting new standards in the chemical sector with its high-performance materials, technologies and applications. Now this speciality chemicals producer, which has its European headquarters in Hattersheim, near Frankfurt am Main, has been awarded the distinction of ranking among Germany’s innovation leaders in an evaluation undertaken by the daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.), in collaboration with the IMWF institute for management and economic research and the Prognos market research institute.

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